Author: Brenda Rand
Mama Faye Chronicles

Welcome to the Mama Faye Chronicles
Faye Chronicles
Jacquelynn Faye of Southwest Missouri is a multi-passionate entrepreneur. Published for her holistic work in several periodicals and E-journals Faye is also seven times published in paranormal fiction and dramatic suspense. It was Faye’s personal struggle with both her physical health and mental health that pushed her forward, lighting a fire in her to discover and finally understand the secrets to self healing.
Faye has developed strategies to empower herself, to reprogram, and even quiet the self doubt and negative nag we’re all harboring within us. With these methods she discovered the keys to her entire belief system, her core program, and found empowered physical healing. As a holistic practitioner, Faye is an advocate for healing to many across the world. A life coach, and spiritual teacher, Faye’s unique style empowers her to support others into healing from significant trauma and release themselves from toxic internal programming. Through her spiritual techniques and reprogramming approach Faye helps others achieve health, happiness, and their true potentials.
Throughout the Faye Chronicles she shares knowledge, support, and the passions that drive her.
Chronicles by Mama Faye
Follow that Dream
Follow that dream wherever it leads
Follow that dream is just what I’ve spent my life doing, and of course my daughter, Jacquelynn came along for the ride. Born in Tulsa Oklahoma, I moved to Missouri to escape a bad relationship, however, my best friend lived in Ozark, and I wanted to be close to him
Business was good. Being a home designer, all I had to do was open the phone book to find clients. The area was thriving, and Branson opened wide its doors. There were many homes to be planned, however, there was also an abundance of condominiums and town homes being built, and I got my fair share of the projects
Within a short time I was invited to Rogers Arkansas as in house designer for what was called at the time, Champions Golf and Country Club. It was an opportunity I couldn’t turn down. The next five years were spent designing high end homes for some of the wealthiest people in the country, however, as the development was being completed, I was burning out. It was time for a change
A songwriter, I decided to try my luck in Nashville. I pitched a few tunes, and sang at the Blue Bird cafe. I taught a class on architectural theory at a small college in Clarksville to get by. When I wasn’t teaching, I set up my easel at a large sporting goods store where I did quick sketches of people. The experience was rewarding. One I will never forget. My daughter was only five or six at the time, and she always accompanied me. She attracted business by dressing up as calico cat, putting on quite a show. Everyone loved that amazing little girl
Before long my luck ran out. We soon returned to Missouri because it felt more like home than any place we’d ever lived, and Missouri is where we’ve stayed. One of our experiences included selling baked goods at Arts fest, Cider days and farmer’s market, where we met some remarkable people. These would become the good ole days
Over the years I worried my journeys would effect my daughter, and that they did. She too is a dreamer. Following that dream doesn’t always mean it will come true, but it will make you happy, and that she is