So, I failed recently. Some of you may have noticed, though most of you are probably too busy with your own lives to notice much of mine! Nevertheless, I find this to be substantial enough of a moment that it’s worth pointing out. I started this journal long before I ever started this unique life planner, yet despite even that did not get done on time. I did not have the right publisher for the job during prelaunch in December and because of that fell flat on my backside with launch. Which was absolutely for the best. Thankfully I had no sales, so that meant zero returns!
Because the publisher I was established with at the time I had one option for us, and albeit beautiful, refined, full of extras, it was PRICEY. The planner would have made me maybe a dollar or two per publication, maybe with marketing even less, but that was besides the point. There was no real discount point for you. There was no way to make it affordable for everyone, reasonable for everyone.
It came to the point I had to ask myself if it was worth it at all if I couldn’t help more people.
The answer took a little over a month to get through, to set up, and to get ready. The answer turned out, at least for the time being, to be Amazon Hardback Publishing. While there’s no tabs, no folders, no stickers, this is 399 high quality matte pages ideal for any pen, with very little if any bleed through, bound between a butter soft matte finish hardback cover. I first ordered a few of my blank page and wide lined journals to determine the real life effect of the journals with my art according to the size and the quality. See the journals here https://jacquelynn-faye.com/painted-faye-lined-journals/